Monday 26 September 2011


Oh yeah, have we got our writing sample results yet????

Hello from London!!!!

Hey Guys!!!!!
So if you don't know, I am currently in London staying at my aunties house. London is soooooo cool! We are in love with Marks and Spencer food court and Primark (a clothes store that sells shoes for one pound), and we have been to Camden Town (home of Amy Winehouse), Oxford Street and Kings Cross Station!!!! Just some tips if you go to London, then if your on a tube, always hold on to a rail or sit down if you can, oh and don't walk into someone smoking because it really sucks.....heaps of people smoke here......... You see cigarettes everywhere on the ground........ Anyway, we have also been to Leicester to visit family and to meet an auntie who we have never met before.
This week, we are planning to hopefully go to Madam Tussaud's, Hamelys (toy shop)and on a bus tour in London , because it is our last week in here before we go to Croatia next week!!! Yaaaay!
Anyway,I am writing this late at night at 8:00 ay night on Monday 26th of September, and you will probably be at school right now, so hahahahahahahahahahahahaha to you guys....JK! Have a good time for the rest of the week, and hopefully I can actually write a masterpiece about London or something...........
Have fun and say Hi to Richard and Carly and anyone else for me!
Alisha xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
PS: Just Btw that I have tripped over at least ten times on this trip on the footpath.......

Wednesday 14 September 2011


So I was also shuffling around in my writing books to look for stories, and I did find a whole book dedicated to a really big mystery story I was writing called DA COUZINZ! Its about a gang of Cousins that try to solve a mystery, but get tangled up with lots of other mysteries as well, which all happen to be part of the same mystery......about a gang of criminals that try to steal money, murder a guy and all this other bad stuff, and there are lots of connections an all, but I don't know why I am explaining all this to you because that isn't even the story....
I decided to make a series of DA COUZINZ stories, and I wrote one about frauded paintings at an art gallery, and the cousins are there to save the day from the gang of evil people, and that is the story inside the book dedicated to DA COUZINZ stories, and that is about, say 30 pages long,
Also the book is dedicated to planning the big DA COUZINZ story that i just explained to you for no reason at all (but I guess it has a reason now)...
I know, its confusing.........but hey, I might type a bit of it up to show you!

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Hey Everyone!
So, after writing sample, most people are probably sick of writing, and have no idea on what to do for writing because their brains are fried and have writers block, but not me! I have a really good idea for a story! This is it!

Alisha's story

Makes about four books

1tsp of fantasy
1 tbsp of adventure
1 tsp of mystery
1/2 tsp of murder

about fifty characters

2 kgs of paper
3 litres of ink

Mix the fantasy, adventure, mystery, murder and the fifty characters in a big pot. Boil and then add the paper and ink then take off the heat and mix.

Did you like the recipe idea? Anyway, my story is going to be massive and is going to be four books long (if I get round to it). TEEHEE!

Monday 12 September 2011

The reasons why I wrote fourteen pages for my Writing Sample......

Here are the reasons why I wrote 14 pages for my writing sample:

The reason why I wrote 14 pages for my writing sample, is because writing a two page story would be very boring, as it would be uninteresting, and very short, and it would make the reader a bit let down if they read a two page story and it just ended there. It would have a very short plot, also a beginning, middle and an end, as it would be all squashed into two pages (technically one, because you would use the page of the back of the piece of paper you are using to write your two page story). Also because I didn't choose to do a recount for my writing, so that means I had to make up a story from scratch. And it was very troubling trying to think of an interesting plot,  to include very precise detail, but have to squash it all into two pages. My story needed to be long, because I needed to explain what happened to the characters when they went on their journey, and what was the problem and the solution to their problem. A story on a exotic trip to Mars squashed into two pages! That would be boring!

Those are the reasons why I wrote a fourteen page story.

Oh, and because I used double lines for spelling and grammar checking.

Wednesday 7 September 2011


I have finished my writing sample!!! Hallelujah! But now I need to edit......the whole story......from start to finish.......yay..........
I'm a bit of a rat bag (as our teacher Richard calls us), because the limit for out sample is two pages, but I have kind of breached the limit and done 14 pages..........what???? It's 2x7 pages......heh...heh........

Here is a bit of the start (which is different to the one I previously wrote)

Her finger traced along the bumpy,rough bark of the Miro tree. She fingered circles, spirals and other squiggles. The texture was inimitable, not like any other tree she had seen. Its leaves were long, soft, tickly. It was damp, showered by the evening deluge, and it left her finger feeling wet and strangely cold. She placed it to check. Tiny, razor sharp, icy cold lightning bolds pierced her checks like needles.
New Zealand. The land of the long white cloud. The home to the Kiwi, the Kiwifruit and Jandals. And to native bush, Pohutakawas, Rimus, Kauris and Miros.  Also to Abel Tasman National Park. And that was where Yannah was right now.
Yannah turned away from the Miro and confronted the environment she was in. It was a thin, long strip of land, which twisted and turned and bent round a corner. A muddy track snaked through the middle, parting numerous native trees and bushes. The trees moderately shaded the bushland from the gleaming sunlight, which shone primarily everyday. Fascinating New Zealand birds chirped joyful above them, flying tree to tree.
Yannah inhaled the fresh, cool air which floated around her. Water and fresh bush. Clean cool air.

I don't want to write the whole story, but that is some of it.....hope you liked it!

Moving Story, Tragic ending.....

On Stuff, the news website, there is an article about a girl who wrote a story for a short story competition, and won. But tragically, she died from Leukaemia the day after she was told.To read the article and her winning short story, click on Stuff to see more....(btw, the story is a bit sad, but its really descriptive!)