Monday, 26 September 2011

Hello from London!!!!

Hey Guys!!!!!
So if you don't know, I am currently in London staying at my aunties house. London is soooooo cool! We are in love with Marks and Spencer food court and Primark (a clothes store that sells shoes for one pound), and we have been to Camden Town (home of Amy Winehouse), Oxford Street and Kings Cross Station!!!! Just some tips if you go to London, then if your on a tube, always hold on to a rail or sit down if you can, oh and don't walk into someone smoking because it really sucks.....heaps of people smoke here......... You see cigarettes everywhere on the ground........ Anyway, we have also been to Leicester to visit family and to meet an auntie who we have never met before.
This week, we are planning to hopefully go to Madam Tussaud's, Hamelys (toy shop)and on a bus tour in London , because it is our last week in here before we go to Croatia next week!!! Yaaaay!
Anyway,I am writing this late at night at 8:00 ay night on Monday 26th of September, and you will probably be at school right now, so hahahahahahahahahahahahaha to you guys....JK! Have a good time for the rest of the week, and hopefully I can actually write a masterpiece about London or something...........
Have fun and say Hi to Richard and Carly and anyone else for me!
Alisha xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
PS: Just Btw that I have tripped over at least ten times on this trip on the footpath.......

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha tripping over shame. Madame tussades Alisha ;) You know what I want you to do <3 <3 <3 -Rose (HAVE FUN!)
